2015 Honda Odyssey

  • 2015 Honda Odyssey

    Honda Odyssey
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • Verified concern. Found timing chain slapping from cover area on initial start up. Recommend Replacing timing belt, tensioner, and idler. Also found VVT solenoid on front gasket is leaking. Recommend replacing solenoid. Note: Vehicle has had a major impact to front and the cross member has been cut and welded and the frame has been cut and not completely welded.
    • Drained coolant and removed serp belt. Gained access to timing cover and removed. Replaced water pump, idler, tensioner, and belt. Replaced cover and torqued to spec. Installed new serp belt. Filled with coolant and bled air out of system. Tested and no longer making any knocking noises.
    • Unable to match VVT solenoid connector that his wired on to hanrness. It goes to sensor on solenoid. Its likely that this sensor was wired on after the accident and possible engine is out of something different. Factory replacement has a different solenoid with a alternative connector that doesn't work as does all of the aftermarket. Replaced just the gasket and reused old solenoid. torqued to spec and checked for leaks. Its no longer leaking. Sprayed down the old oil and there will be some residual for a while. Recommend under belly car wash.
    ANDREW M. gave our service a 5 star review on 1/28/2022


Mikey's Automotive LLC
501 E Memorial Rd
Oklahoma City, OK73114
(405) 752-2474

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